Saturday, 8 January 2011

Better late than never!

Welly warmers are something I have been meaning to make for a while (especially when we had the snow!) but could't figure out how to easily. I had a pair of Welly warmas for Joe when he was younger but the construction didn't seem intuitive to me so I didn't want to copy it. I scoured the internet for patterns or tutorials but came up blank (there tutorials for fleece socks or adult welly warmers) So in the end I had to create a pattern myself, it took me a couple of attempts but I got there in the end.

Once I had figured it out they were quite easy to make! I managed to make pairs for each of the boys wellies today and now want to make a pair for my wellies! It has the added advantage of using up my stash of fleece!


Jeanette said...

Want to share your pattern? I think I want some of these for me!

Tutu Joli said...

OH my gosh, that's BRILLIANT!! I am SO allergic to the rubber in my rain boots. So glad you posted this. Great idea!