Sunday, 21 February 2010


I have been asked a lot recently why I sew and what got me started, some people find it strange that I can sew toys and bags but then struggle with simple clothing patterns. I think a lot is done to this this lady, my nan (she was my grandma's sister)

I used to spend hours watching her sew on her little hand sewing machine making toys and gifts for people. She was always very generous, giving away a lot of what she had made. I remember getting many dolls made by her when I was little including a copy of a cabbage patch doll when they were all the rage! Unfortunately I don't have many of the things she made for us, they were given away many years ago. I have a few keepsakes packed away.

She was very talented and taught me how to sew and embroider. The first things I ever made on the sewing machine were a toy emu and penguin under her guidance. I think that is where my love of making toys came from.

I didn't do a lot of sewing during my teenage years, I did the occassional embroidery or cross stitch but didn't really take up sewing again until after Joe was born.

I wish my nan could see some of the things I have made, I think she would be proud. It is 9 years ago today since she died but I still miss her.


Jeanette said...

Mary, it's lovely to see your Nan, after hearing you talk about her so often. I'm certain she'd be very proud of you.
(BTW can't wait to see the pink coat! )

Ann-Marie Dewhurst said...

What a lovely Nan xxxx